2020 IUPAC-Thalesnano Prize for Flow Chemistry
The prestigious 2020 IUPAC-Thalesnano Prize for Flow Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Timothy Noël (UvA – University of Amsterdam) for his outstanding work and creative scientific contribution at the interface of chemistry and chemical engineering, pioneering novel continuous-flow catalytic strategies and technologies for organic synthesis.
The award ceremony together with Prof. Noel’s award acceptance lecture will be held at FROST8 on 25 November 2021.
Best Poster Award

The Poster Session is a platform designed to highlight ongoing research and late breaking topics that have produced promising preliminary results. It will be a great opportunity for the authors to interact with the conference attendees and obtain interesting and valuable feedback.
The Poster Committee will award the Best Poster Award to the authors whose submission is deemed the strongest according to the reviewing criteria. Winners will be announced and presented with their prize during the Gala Dinner on 25 November.
The prizes for the 1st and 2nd Best Poster awards, sponsored by the Flow Chemistry Society, will include a cash prize, a plaque and a set of the newly published 2nd Edition of Graduate Textbook for Flow Chemistry.
The Royal Society of Chemistry is proud to acknowledge outstanding poster presentations and will be sponsoring 3 journal poster prizes, which includes e-certificates, a £100 book voucher and a year’s subscription to Reaction Chemistry & Engineering.
Best Co-Author Award
The Flow Chemistry Society is proud to acknowledge outstanding performance and contribution to the 2nd Edition of the Graduate Textbook in Flow Chemistry.
The Society’s Best Co-author Award was established in 2014 for the 1st Edition of the Graduate Textbook in Flow Chemistry. Following its tradition, now at the launch of the 2nd Edition of the Textbook, the Society happily offers this prize to award the young scientist (under age of 35) who has made an exceptional contribution and whose work is deemed the strongest.
Winner will be announced and presented with their prize during the Gala Dinner on 25 November.
The Best Co-Author Award includes a cash prize, a plaque and a set of the newly published 2nd Edition of Graduate Textbook for Flow Chemistry.