Confirmed speakers

November 24-26, 2021 | Budapest, Hungary


Now a Hybrid event

Keynote speakers

Kaid C. Harper (virtual presentation)
AbbVie, USA
Commercial-scale Flow Photochemistry and Electrochemistry

Csaba Janáky
University of Szeged, Hungary
Electrifying the industry: Conversion of Waste to High-value Products

C. Oliver Kappe
University of Graz, Austria
Hydrogenations in Flow: Developing Scalable Technology with Real-time PAT

Invited speakers (in alphabetical order):

Marcus Baumann
University College Dublin, Ireland
Exploiting Continuous Photoisomerisation Reactions for the Synthesis of Complex Drug-Like Targets

Maurizio Benaglia (virtual presentation)
University of Milan, Italy
Telescoped Synthesis of Chiral Molecules in Coil and Continuous Stirred Reactors (CSTR)

Richard Bourne
University of Leeds, UK
Self-Optimising Flow Reactors For Rapid Process Development

Kerry Gilmore (virtual presentation)
University of Connecticut, USA
Designing And Combining Automated Synthesis Platforms

Heidrun Gruber-Wölfler
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Automated Set-up for the Optimization of an Enzymatic Reaction in Continuous Flow

Volker Hessel (virtual presentation)
University of Adelaide, Australia
Reimagining Astronaut’s Food – Designing a Process for Manufacturing Personalized Fortified Beverages in Space

Amol A. Kulkarni (virtual presentation)
CSIR-NCL Pune, India
Flow synthesis of APIs by ozonolysis and by mechanochemistry

Richard Jones
InnoStudio, Inc., Hungary
Using Space Medicinal Chemistry Against SARS-CoV-2

Jean-Christophe Monbaliu
University of Liege, Belgium
Frugal Resources and Chemical Generators for the Neutralization of Chemical Warfare Simulants

John Naber (virtual presentation)
Merck & Co, USA
From the Lab to the Pilot Plant: Recent Applications in Flow at MSD

Timothy Noël
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Applications of Continuous-flow Photochemistry in Organic Synthesis

Sándor B. Ötvös 
University of Graz, Austria
Reductive Aminations in Aqueous Nanomicelles Enabled by an Oscillatory Plug Flow Reactor

Miquel A. Pericàs  (virtual presentation)
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain
Immobilized Organocatalytic Systems For Asymmetric Flow Processes

Floris Rutjes (virtual presentation)
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
New Developments In Continuous Flow Synthesis – Translating Research Into Education

Industrial Presentations